Thursday, April 2, 2009

959 steps closer to being fit - Rachelle

Tonight was my first workout with the Wii Fit. Half-way through, I stopped, and had to ask myself why I thought I needed a gym membership when I had the almighty Wii Fit sitting under our coffee table in our family room.

After six sessions of their step routines, I tried their Free Step Program. The Free Step is all about keeping the same pace while trying to reach a target number of steps within 10 minutes, my goal was 800. (Can I brag for a moment that I hit 959 and demolished my 800 step goal!)

One of the biggest struggles I have is getting rid of dessert. Before I got married, I rarely ate dessert, now it's a daily thing. Of course I made the mistake of making one of my favorite desserts, butterscotch brownies on Tuesday. The good news is that there are no more left, hooray! It's easier to be successful when there isn't temptation.

I'm trying to research some filling, yet healthy snacks that I can eat at work and at home. Anyone have any ideas?


  1. For snacks I love almonds, pretzels, low fat popcorn, yogart, fruit and veggies

  2. In hopes of sabotaging you (hey...I want a free outfit! haha), I recommend:

    Sugar Cookies
    Handmade Marshmallows
    Birthday Cake Ice Cream
    Almond Biscotti

    Ok. Now I'll be nice:

    Brown Sugar & Walnut Oatmeal (sweet, yet filling)
    Pretzel Sticks with just a little yogurt frosting on the end
    Apple Slices
    Drinkable Yogurts (Dannon Light & Fit is the low-cal version)

    hmmm...I'll have to keep thinking of things that are tasty yet healthy. I wish that 10 almonds would satisfy snacky hunger for me, but it just doesn't cut it...
